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Clue games, Gymkhanas,
Non-formal education


Our clue games are specifically designed to challenge different teams to outdo themselves, bringing out the best in everyone, so that the only way to achieve common team goals is to cooperate, practice active listening and share ideas.


We challenge teams by creating gymkhanas adapted to the school surroundings, to a place that we want to discover, or in the natural environment. These gymkhanas share the bases and main values ​​of non-formal education, cooperation, respect, communication, etc. But in addition, we can focus on them to work on the discovery of a specific space, to work on a specific subject or content, to practice a language or simply as a space for leisure and fun.


We also plan days full of non-formal education dynamics, in which we design and implement activities in order to achieve the goals agreed with the teaching team. In these spaces of leisure and fun, youngsters enjoy, relate from another perspective and work to test the values ​​and skills worked on at school beyond the academic part.


In addition, all these activities allow us to identify leaderships, to work on the conflict resolution strategies in a non-violent way, to strengthen the feeling of belonging to the group, to emphasize emotional education and to promote active, empathetic communication and assertivity.


If you want to know more, do not hesitate to contact us

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